This article focuses significantly on dramatic and visible art, while acknowledging that the use of different art forms, similar to poetry, fiction, dance, movie, and cloth work, have been variously utilized in processes of investigation. The word art is used to indicate the broader spectrum of art activities and to refer to extra particular varieties and processes by their disciplines and conventions. It does not search to disentangle all the threads inside this strategy to analysis or to review all key theorizations and prospects in the area. The area of arts-based analysis is a diverse and rapidly expanding one, and it’s such a good point only potential inside this dialogue to determine a number of the frequent underlying traits and potentialities and to offer chosen examples. Because this discussion is formed inside an essay format, somewhat than via a visual or performative collage, there’s the risk of marking a restricted variety of pathways and of making assertions. At the same time, I acknowledge that the dialogue might have alternatively been conducted through arts-based media, which could better replicate a few of the liminalities and interweaving layers of art-based processes .